How to troubleshoot Signature Pads.

Creation date: 9/10/2021 11:48 AM    Updated: 6/21/2024 10:40 AM   signature pads tier usb

!If you’ve started TIER prior to connecting your signature pad, you will need to do a TIER force log off!

Make sure you've plugged in your sig pad first and then restart TIER.

If you still get a "Unable to open COM2..." message or the signature pad continues to not work, you can test the signature pad by opening up DemoOCX32 on your desktop. Press the Start button on the ensuing form and try to sign and see if it shows on the screen

If your issue is still unresolved, please create an IT Helpdesk ticket, or if you already have one, add a note that you've followed these steps and the signature pad is still not working in TIER. Please also note if it was working in the DemoOCX32 application
