PCIT equipment instructions - Advocacy (Woodland)

Creation date: 12/12/2022 3:36 PM    Updated: 12/12/2022 3:36 PM   advocacy pcit teams woodland

Scheduling a Teams meeting with Advocacy (Woodland)

1. The clinician will book the room resource Advocacy (Woodland) as you normally would via Teams to reserve the room ahead of time. (Create a Teams meeting, invite Advocacy (Woodland)).

2. At the time of the meeting, in Advocacy (Woodland), (coordinate/ask the admin assistant if needed) turn on the monitor and confirm the meeting is showing

3. Use the remote control to select the meeting and join it (aim at the Yealink Meetingbar)

4. Confirm the clinician is able to hear and see the room, then turn Meetingbar speaker volume to 0, and turn off the monitor

Meeting ad-hoc with Advocacy (Woodland)

1. The remote therapist can use Teams to initiate a meeting in Teams by going to Calendar, Meet Now, Start Meeting, Join Now. Then add participant " Advocacy (Woodland)"

2. The Advocacy (Woodland) Teams device will be ringing. Admin assistant will turn on the monitor, confirm the incoming meeting call from the clinician and use the remote control to accept/join the call.

3. Confirm the clinician is able to hear and see the room, then turn Meeting bar speaker volume to 0, and turn off the monitor

Coaching earpiece for parent/caregiver

1. The coaching earpiece is a Bluetooth earbud paired with a cell phone. The admin assistant will provide this to the parent/ caregiver, ensuring that the bluetooth earbuds are connected to the phone. The cell phone number is on the back of the phone.

2. Each parent/caregiver will have a pair of silicone earbud covers to ensure hygienic sharing of the earbuds (stored with admin assistant)

3. At the appropriate time, the clinician will simply call the cell phone and be able to coach the parent/caregiver

Microsoft Teams questions and issues