Changing font size in TIER.

Creation date: 8/14/2023 1:48 PM    Updated: 1/24/2024 9:31 AM   font size resolution tier

Changing Resolution

To Change your resolution in TIER (i.e. make the forms/text larger or smaller), you have to change the display resolution on your laptop first and then start (or fully close and then re-start) TIER

This can be done by right-clicking on your desktop and selecting Display setting

Or typing “Display” into the search bar next to the windows button and selecting it there

Note there is both a Scale option and a Display Resolution option. The scale option is great for changing the size of windows/text change outside of TIER, but you have to change Display Resolution to change the size for TIER

By default, your display resolution should be 1920 x 1080. If you want TIER to be as large as possible, you’ll want to change that resolution to 1366 x768 (if this is not an available option, choose other smaller resolutions until you find one that works better). It may make things slightly less crisp, but will still work and make TIER forms/text larger

If your TIER is open. Make sure to fully close out of it, or even better download the force logoff file and fully close out your remote app connection, then reopen it and the resolution changes should take place.