Switching Windows Menu Behavior

Creation date: 3/14/2023 2:09 PM    Updated: 3/14/2023 4:39 PM   context menus menus old environment old menu right click function windows 11 windows menu behavior
This will revert the new Windows 11 right click function on folder/applications to the classic one used in our VM environment and Windows 10. 

Here is what the old menu looks like which is what we had in our old environment.

This is what the new menu looks like and this is also what is default with your laptop

To change to the old style of menu 
1. Dowload the file named Classic Menus.reg

2.Run the file, hit run on the first prompt.

3. Press yes on the next screen and yes again on the screen after.

4. You'll have a message saying it has been changed and you can press ok.

5. Once you have successful run the file, restart your laptop and you will have the old menu.

6. To revert the change run the New Menus.reg file and repeat the same process with a restart at the end.