To add or change your email signature credentials (such as LMFT, MCSW), or to add pronoun information to your signature or other signature customizations, follow these steps -
2. Login with your Microsoft 365 account ( account)
3. Add/change your credentials and pronouns as appropriate, then save.
Credentials - Whatever text you enter will follow your name followed by a comma and space in your signature. E.g. Entering "LMFT" in the "Credentials" field will result in your signature generating as "Jane Smith, LMFT"
PrefName - If you have a preferred name other than the one that is your "Display Name" enter it here
PrefPronouns - Whatever text you enter will insert a line below your title in your signature stating your preferred pronouns. E.g. Entering "She, Her, Hers" in the "PrefPronouns" field will result in your signature generating a third line with "Pronouns:
She, Her, Hers". If you choose to not specify any pronouns, the pronouns third line will be omitted from your signature.
ProgramDepartment - If you would like a line underneath your Title to show your Program or Department name, enter it here.
The change is almost immediate. The next time your signature generates from a new email in Outlook, you will see the updated information.