(CodeTwo Signatures) Adding/changing your email signature.

Creation date: 4/10/2023 3:31 PM    Updated: 2/26/2024 11:41 AM   credentials outlook preferred pronoun pronoun pronoun information pronouns signature
To add or change your email signature credentials (such as LMFT, MCSW), or to add pronoun information to your signature or other signature customizations, follow these steps -

2. Login with your Microsoft 365 account (@ssyaf.org account)
3. Add/change your credentials and pronouns as appropriate, then save.

Credentials - Whatever text you enter will follow your name followed by a comma and space in your signature. E.g. Entering "LMFT" in the "Credentials" field will result in your signature generating as "Jane Smith, LMFT"

PrefName - If you have a preferred name other than the one that is your "Display Name" enter it here

PrefPronounsWhatever text you enter will insert a line below your title in your signature stating your preferred pronouns. E.g. Entering "She, Her, Hers" in the "PrefPronouns" field will result in your signature generating a third line with "Pronouns:  She, Her, Hers". If you choose to not specify any pronouns, the pronouns third line will be omitted from your signature.

ProgramDepartment - If you would like a line underneath your Title to show your Program or Department name, enter it here.

The change is almost immediate. The next time your signature generates from a new email in Outlook, you will see the updated information.