How to connect to Sophos VPN.

Creation date: 7/12/2023 8:59 AM    Updated: 1/31/2025 2:01 PM   sophos sophos connect sophos vpn vpn
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection is needed to access files on our file servers (S: drive, I: drive) whenever you are not connected to the Stanford-Staff Wi-fi in an SSYAF office.

How to connect/disconnect VPN

*You don't need to connect the VPN if you are in the office connected to the staff network.

*Sophos can only connect via VPN from a SSYAF issued laptop.

1. To connect, double click the "Sophos Connect" shortcut on your desktop, or in the task tray.

2. The Sophos connections window will show.  You will be prompted to put in your username (without and password. Make sure you checkmark save username and password .

Simply click "Connect" to connect the VPN. Be sure you're connect to your home Wi-Fi or iPhone hotspot with good internet connection before connecting.

3. The VPN will show connected, and you can now access S: drive and I: drive through File Explorer as normal.

4. You will need to re-connect your VPN after your computer goes into sleep mode or power down/restart.

You can also confirm that you are connected or not by going to the System Tray and seeing if there is a green checkmark.