Where are my scanned/printed files in TIER (Setting up your Quick Access folders in TIER)

Creation date: 8/29/2023 11:51 AM    Updated: 5/7/2024 3:11 PM    files tier

If you are trying to open or save a file in TIER, you may find you can't locate where your files are. You click Documents and nothing shows except a "DO NOT SAVE ANY DOCUMENTS HERE" file.

Since TIER is in a remote app, it will not by default show your actual laptop’s shortcuts and instead shows the documents/desktop of the remote App. Below are instructions or watch this <<Video Walk-through>> for more details

With that in mind, we highly recommend the first time you save or scan something from/into TIER, you save the locations of your SSYAF Desktop, Documents, Downloads, S:, I: and any other location you use frequently to your Quick Access list.

If you select the virtual environments quick access or desktop locations, you should see several files marked “DO NOT SAVE ANY DOCUMENTS HERE” – that is your prompt to not save there and instead save to the new quick access

Updating your Quick Access list

This applies to both where you are importing files from and where you are saving files to. These screenshots are from the Import section of a scanned doc in TIER, but you can also make these changes from a save prompt in Word/Excel/Pdf/etc. within the TIER remote app, it just may look slightly different.

First – unpin all the pinned items as they point to the virtual TIER environment and not the SSYAF one:

Word saving prompt


Right-click on each icon and select “Unpin from Quick access” (If is a save prompt from word/excel/pdf/etc. right click each option from the quick access side instead)

Next, add in all your SSYAF locations, this can be a bit time consuming, sorry :/…

1. Click “This PC” and scroll down to Redirected drives and folders and double-click  “C on …”

2. Next choose the following folders: “Users”
Then choose ”[Your username]” (example "jfeeley" for Julian)
Then choose "OneDrive – Stanford Sierra Youth & Families

3. For each of your locations, right click on the icon and select “Pin to Quick access”.
You will likely want to do this with "Desktop" and "Documents" and any other folders you access regularly.

4. Repeat this for all locations you access from this area - Desktop/Documents/ Pictures/etc. (note: downloads will now go to a different folder to be found in step 6 below)

5. Next add in any S: or I: folders you regularly access by finding the location, right-clicking and selecting “Pin to Quick access”

6. Finally, Downloads will now go to the download folder found via “This PC”->redirected drives… “C on …”->“Users”->”[Your username]”->”Downloads”

7. Now when you go to quick access, it should be easier to navigate to the locations you are uploading from/saving to