[Front Desk Only] Admin account iPhone Contact updating.

Creation date: 1/23/2024 2:29 PM    Updated: 9/6/2024 3:54 PM    front desk wifi
NOTE: These steps are ONLY for Front Desk staff. 

1: You will need to log out of your work account on your laptop by clicking on the start button and right click on your profile picture. 

2: You will see a new window, click on sign out. 

3: Once you are in the login screen, click on Other User on the lower left hand corner. 

4: Type in your admin temp email address for your site (example: 8928admintemp@ssyaf.org) and the password for that account and log in. 

5: Make sure you are connected to the Wi-Fi. right click on the wi-fi icon (It may also look like a globe with a disconnect symbol). 

6: Check to see if you are able to sign into Stanford-Staff, if not then choose z-Temp-first-time-only. If you don't have access to Stanford-Staff, a certificate should automatically download, but it can take 15-20 minutes (or annoyingly sometimes more) for it to download. This should only happen the first time you log in with the admintemp account to a new laptop.

7: Leave the laptop connected for about 15 minutes and then check to see if you are able to switch over to Stanford-Staff. Once you can connect, go back to the main updating iPhone Updating article to complete the process

Important Note: If you need to authenticate at any point, make sure you are selecting the correct authenticator account on your phone as there may be several. If you need to add an account, check out this KB article, or use the + button in the top right
